LagiTrending.com -Viral and trending on the tiktok application, there is a song called Rasah Nyangkem 3. This song was created by “Dhe Baz” in Javanese. The Javanese language itself comes from a country on the continent of Southeast Asia, namely Indonesia.
Rasah Nyangkem 3 went viral thanks to being sung by Ochi Alvira and Syahiba Saufa on Ochi Alvira’s own YouTube channel.
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Rasah Nyangkem 3 This means that in English it means don’t talk much. This song tells about the world of friendship which discusses the problem of a friend who always speaks badly and slanders other friends. When a friend has a big problem, he feels happy instead. And when his friend is happy again, he feels it’s a problem.
Lyrics Rasah Nyangkem 3 – Ochi Alvira Ft Syahiba Saufa Meaning And English Translation
Senengane rasan rasan kui bolone setan
You like to talk behind my back like devil’s ally
Wanine yen neng mburi rawani neng ngarepan
You have guts talking from behind me but haven’t when talking face to face
Seneng golek kesalahan wes koyo wasit bal balan
You are just like a (bad) football referee looking for mistakes
Dasar otakmu kui kebak banyu peceran
Your brain is just full of shit
Wayah konco susah kowe mesti sumringah
You were laughing when a friend is suffering
Wayah konco seneng kowe mesti gembreneng
You were grumping when a friend is happy
Mending kowe anteng mbok uwis rasah Nyangkem
just chill and shut the f up, please
Gayamu pancen elit introspeksi diri sulit
You act like an elite but look in the mirror please!
Lambemu pancen julid mentolo pengen tak jait
I just want to sew your damn blabbering mouth
Kowe ojo seneng njiwit Yen ora pengen dijiwit
don’t pinch if you don’t wanna get pinched
Sekali tak jiwit kowe mesti njerit njerit
cause once I pinch you, you’ll scream
Pamite ngopi pesene es teh
You said want to buy coffee but got iced tea
Dadi priyayi mbok ojo dumeh
don’t be so arrogant as a human
Mangane pecel lawuh ndas pitik
eat “pecel” (traditional food) with chicken head
Ojo nganti kesel dadi wong apik
please being a good person